HASTINGS Cunningham Reserve was filled to the brim with exceptionally well behaved pooches over the long weekend for one of the city’s biggest competitions.
Owners and dogs from as far afield as Perth vied for titles at the Easter Blue Lake Obedience Dog Club trials, with over 800 entries received.
“We had 809 entries this weekend which was on par with last year,” club president Jan Hellyer said.
“On Monday we introduced a half-day of games for the first time and that was well received.
“Quite a few locals turned out over the three days to watch which was excellent.”
On Sunday the club held a presentation to South Australian agility team members who will attend the national titles in Melbourne on Sunday.
“Three states were represented at this competition – South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia,” Ms Hellyer said.
“People from as far as Western Australia traveled here on their way to the nationals next weekend.
“We had great feedback from competitors about the immaculate grounds and the catering – everyone always enjoys catching up with friends.”
Local winners included Ms Hellyer and her dog Basil for best performing local rally, trial manager Karen Brooksby and her dog Bella took out the most successful local agility and jumping while Janine Feil and her dog Kiri won the title of best performing obedience dog.
“Brand new club members received passes in obedience this weekend which was fantastic,” Ms Hellyer said.
“A big thank you to our sponsors and volunteers for their ongoing support.”
The organising committee will now prepare for the club’s next trial in October.