THE Mount Gambier community has rallied together to launch a petition to help prevent further cases of a potentially deadly disease in the state.
Local parents, Member for Mount Gambier Troy Bell and Member for Barker Tony Pasin have all committed to the grassroots community campaign with thousands of others in the city expected to sign the petition.
This follows an outpouring of community grief for six-month-old Jordan Braddock, who died from the insidious meningococcal B-strain within hours of falling ill.
His death has sent shock-waves across Mount Gambier’s tight-knit community triggering a grassroots community campaign pushing for the B-strain vaccine to be funded.
Under the current vaccination program, the deadly B-strain vaccine is not included with parents forced to pay potentially hundreds of dollars to access the lifesaving vaccine.
Jordan – who passed away suddenly last week – will be sadly laid to rest today with copies of the petition available to be signed by mourners at the Carinya Gardens Cemetery Chapel.
Jordan’s parents Nathan Braddock and Emma Smith have started a “Justice for Jordan” meningococcal awareness campaign in a bid to save other children from succumbing to this “cruel” disease.
The heartbroken family has vowed not to stop campaigning until a funded vaccine is rolled out across Australia for children.
Independent Member for Mount Gambier Troy Bell – who drew up the petition – said he planned to meet with new Health Minister Stephen Wade this week on the issue.
“My heart goes out to the family for their loss,” a heartfelt Mr Bell said yesterday.
The newly returned MP said there was a clear gap in the immunisation schedule, which he was not initially aware of.
“I knew there was a meningococcal vaccine, but I wasn’t aware it didn’t cover the B-strain. The petition is calling on the State Government to fund the B-strain vaccine until we can get it on the national immunisation register.”
He said the State Government needed to “bridge that gap” until the national roll-out could occur.
“The State Government should be a leader to provide that vaccine for our young people to avoid another tragedy occurring down the track,” Mr Bell said.
“This is a preventable disease and the fact the vaccine doesn’t cover one strain appears absurd to me – there is a vaccine for the B-strain.”
Mr Bell plans to present the petition to State Parliament.
Member for Barker Tony Pasin led the calls last week for the newly elected Liberal Government to fund the B-strain vaccine given the longer process on the national level.
In a statement released by the heartbroken family, they describe the heartache of losing their beloved baby son.
“Jordan was cruelly snatched away from his family. It took just two hours for this insipid disease to ravage his little body,” a family spokesperson said.
“His bereft and grieving parents are still coming to terms with his sudden loss. You always hear the horror stories, but you never think it can happen to you.
“But it can. And it does. And it did.”
The spokesperson said “if only” Jordan’s parents had known there was a vaccine available to immunise against this deadly disease.
“Please join us in our petition to get the B-strain of meningococcal added to the national schedule.”
The family is also committed to raising donations to give back to the community via Meningococcal Australia.
A fundraising auction will be held on Friday, April 20, at the Jens Hotel.
The fundraiser is being held in association with The Paige Weatherspoon Foundation.
The foundation was founded in 2002 to raise money for research and awareness programs.
The Border Watch contacted Mr Wade’s office for comment.