THE Cave Gardens has been filled with colour this week as local school children decorated the paths in preparation for the Fringe in Mount Gambier.
From swirls and rainbows to big “Fringe 2018” chalk drawings, the sealed area showcases the creativity of youth in the community.
A combined effort of Reidy Park Primary School and Gordon Education Centre students and the home schooling community, Fringe committee member Natasha Little said she was thrilled to have the local children play their part in the annual event for the second year.
“It is a way for them to experience art, music and culture,” she said.
“We found last year and this year the response has been great from the kids.”
Hoping to attract a large crowd at the lift-off event this weekend, Ms Little said the more people involved, the better chance the event will continue in years to come.
“The more children we can get to experience it the better,” she said.
“They will hopefully bring their parents down after school to see the art work and check out the other entertainment on offer.
“I encourage everyone to come down to the Cave Gardens tonight to see what it is all about.”
The Lift-Off Street Party will run from 4pm until 11pm on Commercial Street East.
Visit www.facebook.com/fringemountgambier for details of other events over the weekend.