WATTLE Range Council has unveiled an ambitious $2.1m master plan to transform the Millicent Parklands and Civic Precinct (Domain).
The plan provides a long-term framework for the Domain area with upgrades to a range of facilities in the space.
It includes a $700,000 open area amphitheatre for the rear of the civic and arts centre using the natural land formation to cover the drain in the location.
Council’s master plan provides a long-term framework for the Domain area, including $150,000 for a potential nature play area for older youth at the tennis court area, $300,000 for upgrades to the existing adventure playground and $150,000 for upgrades to Jubilee Park.
Upgrades to the front of the Civic and arts centre, increased lighting and security and an estimated $150,000 for public artworks are also outlined as potential development.
Additionally, the plan outlines potential expenditure of $350,000 for paths and $40,000 for maintenance and “low landscaping” at Memorial Park and the Cenotaph.
Wattle Range Mayor Peter Gandolfi said the plan would provide successive council’s guidance in future developments in the parklands.
He said the master plan had included cost estimations for each element to allow for decisions of funding and staging works which will form part of the plan in its adopted form.
A staff report estimated council’s contribution to the project would be in the order of $1m.
“There are indicative costings that have been put into the document and a number of options to obtain funding for each of the projects,” he said.
“This includes sourcing state and federal government in the future.
“It will be a matter for council in the future to deliberate whether it proceeds and how it will deliver each of the projects.”
The plan is a result of a $30,000 allocation in its current financial year budget aimed at redeveloping the area to make it the “showpiece” of the town.
Mr Gandolfi said the amphitheatre would be the centre piece of the development, adding it would tap into the area’s unique potential to strengthen its current status as a community hub.
“The concept is to build a cover over the town drain in the vicinity of the Civic and Arts Centre which will extend the parklands from Jubilee Park across to the centre,” he said.
“The plan outlines a stage area to be constructed at the back of the Civic and Arts Centre for performances.
“Then allows any production of an event to use the Civic and Art Centre facilities such as power and any shelter that might be required for equipment or a change room.
“It will bolster the potential use of the Civic and Arts Centre by turning it into an indoor and outdoor venue.”
Residents are encouraged to view and comment on the master plan.