“WE want to dispel some of those myths around suicide and reduce the stigma to make it easier for people who are struggling with suicidal thoughts or intentions to talk to someone and get help,” Lifeline chief executive officer Eve Barratt said on the upcoming community suicide awareness training session in the Blue Lake city.
“So often after a suicide in a regional community like ours people are devastated and are questioning how it could happen.
“If we can lessen the stigma and increase the understanding we will create a community where people will be safer.”
Provided by the Office of the Chief Psychiatrist (OCP) as part of the South Australian Suicide Prevention Plan 2017-2021, the training aims to help community members develop their knowledge of suicidal behaviour and their role in suicide prevention within the community.
Previously hosting a similar session for professionals in the field, Ms Barratt said this new session will be beneficial to people of all walks of life.
“After the success of last year’s session we asked the OCP to come back anvd deliver this two-hour awareness program to the community,” Ms Barratt said.
“It’s free, which is really important and will help to answer some of those questions they have after a suicide occurs.
“We have a caring and supportive community here in Mount Gambier and we want to try and inform them about suicide awareness.
“I am hoping some workplaces may allow their employees to attend, it would be time well spent.”
Thankful for Mount Gambier City Council’s support in bringing the session to the city, Ms Barratt said it was a great step forward for the community.
“We want to be on the front foot for community awareness,” she said.
The session will take place tomorrow from 10.30am to 1pm at the Mount Gambier Library multi-purpose room.
Contact Lifeline South East on 8723 2299 or email office@lifelinese.com.au for more information or to register attendance.