ENGLISH teachers from Inner Mongolia visited Yahl Primary School on Tuesday – their last school visit during a week-long stay in the city.
Exploring Mount Gambier as part of an overseas study tour, the 10 teachers yesterday travelled to Adelaide to spend a week at Uni SA’s Magill campus.
After a leisurely lunch with local teachers in the school’s art room, the Chinese visitors received a warm welcome from students at an outdoor assembly.
Students performed the “wombat wobble” before the Year 7 cohort presented the teachers with classic Australian children’s books, including Possum Magic and One Keen Koala.
“Late last year Deb Hosking rang and asked if we would like to host the teachers during their stay and we said ‘fantastic, we will do it’,” principal Chris Morrison said.
“We thought the best thing to do was to get the students involved so they have all participated in some way.
“The whole Year 7 cohort helped out, gifting the teachers with books or acting as tour guides and taking them around the school.”
Ms Morrison said the visit was an opportunity for the Chinese tourists to join the school’s 150 year celebrations.
“We were only too happy to celebrate our wonderful school and the fact Yahl Primary is 150 years old,” she said.
“We value interaction with different cultures.
“The language we teach here is Japanese, but we celebrate all different cultures and felt privileged to have the group visit and meet our students.”