Surf rescue a community asset

AWESOME FOURSOME: Lifesavers George, Doug, Amanda and Ben Treloar kept Beachport swimmers safe on Sunday.
AWESOME FOURSOME: Lifesavers George, Doug, Amanda and Ben Treloar kept Beachport swimmers safe on Sunday.

NOW boasting a membership of 100, the newly formed Beachport Surf Lifesaving Club is certainly thriving as holidaymakers flock to the seaside.

From an initial public meeting in 2014, the club now stages surf and beach patrols as well as regular training.

It is also an example of an emergency service, community organisation where whole families can participate.

The Treloar family of Beachport has certainly taken up the cudgel, with all four members involved – Amanda, Ben and their two sons George and Doug.

On a weekend as the temperatures soared, the Treloars had their first surf patrol as a family.

“It is a great asset for our community,” Mr Treloar said,

“We provide an emergency service for our residents and the many visitors we get at Beachport.

“We also love the club because it gives family members at their various ages the opportunity to do an activity together.

“On our first patrol together, Amanda and I took our boys out on the inflatable rescue boats and had a wild and wet time in a very choppy sea.”

Mr Treloar said the club was very inclusive as it caters for young people in the nippers’ program as well as older people.

“I set myself the target of getting my bronze medallion in surf life saving in my 50th year in 2017,” he said.

“It was a great opportunity to get fit and achieve something special.

“For our teenagers, being a member is not only great for learning new skills and contributing to the community, but also looks great on the resume when they go for jobs. ”

On weekends over the peak summer holiday season, the club provides swimming supervision between the distinctive red-and-yellow flags.

The club recently received a new inflatable rescue boat, trailer, four-wheel-drive dual cab vehicle and other rescue-related equipment through State Government funding.

The items are stored in a shed provided by the Lions Club of Beachport and Rivoli Bay.