THE $61.8m Mount Gambier Prison expansion is set for completion in June, which will make the correctional services facility the second-largest complex in South Australia.
When the new 160-bed residential style prisoner accommodation complex is completed, the Mount Gambier Prison will be home to 653 prisoners, just eight shy of the Port Augusta Prison.
Correctional Services Minister Chris Picton toured the construction site yesterday and was impressed with the ongoing work at the complex.
“Construction here at Mount Gambier is really well-advanced, there is lots of work under way with 50 staff on site at the moment,” Mr Picton said.
“It is a short-term boost in terms of construction, but there is sure to be a long-term boost for the economy in terms of running this prison as well.”
Once completed, it is anticipated the expansion will create a number of additional ongoing jobs.
“More construction means more jobs for the area and more money being spent back in the local community,” Mr Picton said.
“There are opportunities for people in the region to obtain full-time jobs with G4S ramping up in terms of recruiting additional staff now so that they are ready when this expansion opens in the middle of the year.”
Correctional Services chief executive David Brown said the expansion was a great boost for the local economy.
“Prison expansions such as these mean jobs for the regions and more work for local businesses as the department strongly advocates for local contractor involvement, including partnering opportunities,” Mr Brown said.
“This is a great boost for the local economies, not only throughout the construction, but also in the long-term through the employment of additional ongoing staff.”
Mr Picton downplayed community concern about the social impact an expansion might have on the city in regards to the different demographics of people, including those associated with crime, it could bring into Mount Gambier.
“The prison has been running here for 20 years and there is very little evidence that it has happened in that time,” he said.
“Prisoners across South Australia will be likely moved between different prisons across the state depending on the time of their sentence, so it is very unlikely families would move because they might have to move to another location after that as well.”
With an expansion recently completed at Port Augusta Prison, Mr Picton said similar elements of the design at the facility had been implemented in Mount Gambier.
“It is similar to the Port Augusta Prison expansion in terms of the layout and security features that are going to be here,” Mr Picton said.
The expansion will include a new support and education building and an extension to the industries building, as well as a new visits centre, medical centre and video conferencing suites.
“There is an expansion here in terms of the industries area at the prison, which is good for trying to reduce re-offending rates of people who are released if they are able to get a sustainable job,” Mr Picton said.