YOUNG South East residents are encouraged to get lost in a book over the school break by joining the Millicent Public Library Summer Reading Club.
Children from birth to 17 years are invited to turn the page on the search for lost worlds, hidden caches and mysterious occurrences in this year’s event.
The national reading program is designed to encourage young people to read over the summer school holidays.
Wattle Range Libraries manager Janice Nitschke said the program was integral to the continual development of children’s literacy.
“It’s really about fostering and continuing children’s love for literacy when they are not at school,” she said.
“The online element is also a great way to stimulate lifelong learning as it is important for children to be digitally literate.
“It recognises the importance of reading because if you cannot read, you cannot use your tablet or smartphone.”
Ms Nitschke said the popular program already has more than 70 participants.
“It’s very important for children to read and be read to, particularly in their formative years,” she said.
“It’s good to encourage children to become regular library users and readers.”
The month long reading club will culminate in a celebratory event on February 3 at the library.