THE Mount Gambier Library was full of singing and dancing yesterday as the school holiday activities kicked off for the new year with a kids’ karaoke party.
Children of all ages and their families belted out their favourite tunes with Frozen’s Let it Go and the traditional Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star among the hits.
The party was just the beginning of a variety of family fun activities which will take place at the local library over the next few weeks.
“Each week for the rest of the school holidays we will have a different theme to the activities with construction next week, technology the week after and finishing up with mindfulness,” children’s services development coordinator Kelly Lynch said.
“This is a free program which is fantastic for families because most of the time it is hard to access free resources.”
As a new addition to the library this year, a Summer Reading Club program is also being held to encourage reading throughout the holidays.
“There are competitions, games, reading logs and incentives for how much children read,” Ms Lynch said.
“We also have special member-only challenge events that encourage knowledge around the Commonwealth Games.”
Encouraging people of all ages to make use of the library’s facilities, Ms Lynch said there was always something happening.
“The library has something for everyone with puzzles, magazines, books and the holiday activities,” she said.
“It is a community space, we want children to feel like this is their library and implement what people in the city want.”
Visit www.mountgambier.sa.gov.au/library or call 8721 2540 for more information on the school holiday activities.