MOUNT Gambier City Council could secure a further lease for Dimjalla Skate Park following informal discussions with the landowner.
Council currently leases the privately owned land east of the junction of Attamurra Road and Jubilee Highway East, with the final right of renewal set to expire in June 2018.
Council will tonight discuss a proposed offer to landholder the Bedford Group to renew the lease beyond 2018 and secure the site until June 2022.
An initial two-year lease with one year right of renewal was commenced in 2014, with the first right of renewal period exercised for July 2016 to June 2017 and the second and final right of renewal finalised in June this year.
City Council governance and property manager Michael McCarthy said council would look to secure a similar leasing arrangement.
“We have had discussions with the Bedford Group to see if they are interested in doing something beyond 2018 and informally they have indicated they would,” he said.
“Council expressed interest in further tenure and communication from the landowner indicates they are prepared to renew the lease on similar terms.”
A commencing rental for the further lease period is yet to be negotiated, however it was proposed an offer be made to ’round up’ the rental for the first year and adjust annually for the remaining three years of a four-year term.
Elected members will tonight receive a report recommending council authorise the Mayor and chief executive to finalise any necessary documents to secure the extended lease.