A RARE albino wombat has recently been spotted on consecutive days in Canunda National Park.
The lucky finder was Southend resident Corinne Tedham, who was four-wheel-driving in the park with her husband Bruce, who is a retired lobster fisherman.
It is a popular pastime for the couple and they often see wombats, but never before one with a white appearance.
Ms Tedham approached the wombat and took some photographs before it ran off into the scrub.
She did not know its sex or species.
“It was about half-grown and I was able to get quite close,” Ms Tedham said.
“I reported our discovery to Glenn Jackway, who is the National Parks Ranger at Southend.”
The Tedhams saw the albino wombat on consecutive days, but not since.
Huge public interest in albino wombats was evident five years ago when two were taken to a native animal rescue centre at Ceduna.