YOUNG people living in the South East are encouraged to contribute photography, artwork, poetry and more to a new online collaborative project.
Headspace Mount Gambier has started work on a one-stop webpage and smartphone application for youth in the Limestone Coast.
Teaming up with the City of Mount Gambier Youth Advisory Group, the idea resulted from discussions about young people’s community engagement and knowledge of local health services.
Collectively, they decided youth in the area could benefit from an online hot-spot targeted specifically for young people with coming events, services, news, social media and interactive features.
Those involved with the project encourage all artists, photographers, poets and writers in the area to share their works and feature in the development.
“We want to highlight the talents of youth in the area,” Headspace Youth Reference Group volunteer and project leader Liam Fennell said.
“This page and app will give young people in the area access to health services if they need or just fun ideas for school holidays.”
Headspace community liaison worker Mikarla Papini said the project was South East specific.
“We wanted to work with a local developer to maintain ownership of the project,” she said.
“We will be working with Hello Friday to create this exciting online youth hub for the South East.”
Hello Friday has offices in both Penola and Mount Gambier and is renowned for creating popular educational character George the Farmer.
Liam said the Mount Gambier community lacked a digital focal point on youth.
“We are in the very early stages of this evolving project,” he said.
“We think it has the potential to be really helpful for young people in the area.”
All young people looking to contribute to the project are encouraged to contact the Headspace Youth Reference Group.
Email youthhqse@gmail.com to submit art and photography.