Animal welfare league support

FUN IN THE SUN: South East Animal Welfare League volunteer Caitlin Mellor with sleepy pup Hugo, tuckered out after a run around the league’s dog park. Hugo will continue to enjoy the wide open spaces at the dog park until he finds a new home. Picture: BRITTANY DENTON

AN ONGOING rebuild at the South East Animal Welfare League is expected to resume later this year as the league continues to improve facilities at its Riddoch Highway premises.

The not-for-profit organisation, which provides temporary shelter for lost and abandoned animals, unveiled an expansive, on-site dog park and memorial wall earlier this year.

While the two earlier projects were successfully completed by work for the dole participants, SEAWL committee treasurer Natalie Zwar said the league was in the process of raising funds to finish the planned rebuild.

“The dog park and the memorial wall were part of our original plan and started the ball rolling on our rebuild,” Ms Zwar said.

“The work for the dole projects have been wrapped up at this stage and we have since had to make a few changes to our plans to reduce costs to make the overall rebuild more achievable.

“Right now the adjusted rebuild plans are being costed and we will look at applying for a grant to fund the projects.”

Ms Zwar said the league would unveil the revised rebuild plan in the near future.

“To support the rebuild, people can buy memorial plants for the pet memorial wall, for a once off payment of $110,” she said.

“We are always looking for volunteers too and would love a maintenance man.

“We did have an excellent maintenance man but he’s had other job offers – anyone out there with some maintenance skills willing to volunteer, we would love to hear from you.”