IT WILL be the “grand finale” for Swinging with the Stars contestant Peter Zeitz when he hits the dance floor with partner Rebecca Hann at tomorrow night’s Stand Like Stone Foundation event at The Barn.
After many weeks of training, Peter said his dancing had definitely improved, but indicated he would be “hanging the dancing shoes up” after tomorrow night.
“I don’t think the national stage is going to happen, which is disappointing because I went into it early thinking that’s what might eventuate,” Peter joked.
“I quickly found my career on Broadway isn’t going to develop, so this is it, The Barn is my limit and it won’t be going any further.”
With the event fast approaching, Peter expressed his excitement for the night and was not afraid to fire a shot at a fellow contestant.
“I am not going in too serious, I won’t have any high expectations of myself and I don’t think my partner would either after training with me for some time,” Peter said.
“While I probably don’t think I can win, I will definitely have Jack ‘Chipper’ Kelly covered on the dance floor.”
Contestants will complete four different dance routines, but one stood out as the biggest challenge for Peter.
“The hip-hop is by far the most challenging for me because it is very fast-paced and I’m the oldest dancer there,” he said.
“It requires good coordination and balance, which are things that I am losing, along with my hair.”
While hip-hop presents the biggest challenge, there is one particular dance he is not looking forward to.
“Everyone complains about me complaining about the swing because I just can’t stand it,”Peter said.
“Whoever created that dance-style, I don’t know what they were drinking, but they shouldn’t have been drinking whatever they were.”
While his enthusiasm for swing might be lacking, Peter, aged 46, said he was excited to be able to get out of his comfort zone and do something different.
“I’ve done bugger all dancing, the last time might have been when I was drunk in my 20s at nightclubs and football clubs and when I can guarantee I was very ordinary,” he said.
“It’s a scene that I have never been involved with, I’ve always been involved with football and sport, so it’s been a really good eye-opener for me.”
While his ability to dance will be what everyone is watching tomorrow night, Peter wanted to highlight the main focus of the event, which will raise money for a good cause.
“Stand Like Stone is a fantastic foundation returning money to the Limestone Coast and they have done that a number of ways throughout the whole region,” Peter said.
“I have held a few fundraisers including a ‘last person standing’ event at the West Gambier Football Club and an auction night at the Jens Hotel, which along with generous people in the community, has helped me raise close to $10,000.”