A TEAM of work colleagues has set the pace ahead of next year’s Relay For Life, already leading the Limestone Coast in donations for the Cancer Council’s major annual fundraiser.
The group of Boandik Lodge aged-care nurses, aptly named the Pacemakers, have raised nearly $200 of their $10,000 goal, 10 months out from the 2018 event.
Cancer Council SA has announced the 2018 Limestone Coast Relay for Life will be held at Blue Lake Sports Park on March 24 and 25.
Team captain Cassie Buchan said the Pacemakers were veterans of the 19-hour relay event.
“I’ve been involved every year since the first Limestone Coast Relay for Life event in 2003,” Ms Buchan said.
“We have entered a team together for the last few years and we always have a ball.
“We have all been touched by cancer in some way and to participate in the relay can be a healing process.”
Cancer Council SA Relay for Life relationship officer Angie Snowball said the two-day event was an opportunity to meet new people and work together towards a common cause.
“Relay for Life is an event for all ages and it’s about gathering friends, family, co-workers and neighbours and forming a team to help fight cancer,” Ms Snowball said.
“Limestone Coast Relay For Life has raised a staggering ongoing total of over 1 million dollars in donations since 2003, to help fund Cancer Council SA’s research, prevention and support services.
“This includes Cancer Council Lodge Greenhill and Flinders, providing accommodation to country cancer patients and their families who have to travel to Adelaide for treatment.”
Ms Snowball said event organisers anticipated a number of local businesses and community groups would register for the event.
“In 2016 we had registrations from 46 teams and raised more than $110,000,” she said.
“We expect we will have a similar number of teams register for next year’s event and our relay goal for 2018 is a combined total of $125,000.00.
“Relays are an amazing sight – there is so much colour, excitement and passion as participants take on the challenge of keeping their team’s baton, and symbol of hope, moving around the track for 19 hours.”
Visit www.fundraising.cancer.org.au to register a team.