is proud to work with more than 80 carer households across the Limestone Coast, supporting more than 100 children.
We are always looking to grow our inspiring network of carers with dedicated, caring adults who can provide love, stability and safety to a young person or child in their care.
If you are considering becoming a foster carer or would like to know more, please read the below frequently asked questions then contact on 1300 ACCARE or, or visit
Your care could transform the life of a child.
What kind of people are foster carers?
Foster carers are people who care about children and have chosen to provide foster care as a way of supporting their community. Foster carers are committed to supporting young people from all cultural and religious backgrounds. They also have a passion to provide a high level of care to meet the needs of individual children of diverse backgrounds.
How long does it take before our family can become foster carers?
The time it takes to become an approved foster carer varies. Applicants are encouraged to progress at their own pace, however, on average the process takes between three to six months.
Can I nominate the age of the child I would prefer?
Yes. You can give your preference about the age and gender of a child you think would fit best with your family and lifestyle.
Can I choose the type of foster care I do?
Yes. You can discuss your particular area of interest and what type of care you think may be suited to your family with your fostering agency. Care can be long-term, short-term, you can commit to emergency placements when a child needs urgent support or you can provide respite care so a child’s primary carers can take time out for themselves.
Will fostering affect my family?
Yes. It’s important to include your family and all your household members in discussions about becoming a foster carer. All household members will need to meet with the fostering assessment worker and be involved in the process of becoming a foster carer.
Can I say no to a placement?
Yes. Foster carers are volunteers. will always discuss potential placements with you to ensure they are appropriate for the carer and child.
Will I have to have contact with a foster child’s birth family?
No. Each child in foster care has a case worker who is responsible for arranging birth family access. Arranging birth family access is not the responsibility of the foster carer. Foster carers’ details are not provided to birth families.
How do I become a foster carer?
Becoming a foster carer can be very rewarding for carers and transform the lives of vulnerable children. If you are interested in becoming a foster carer the first step is to contact to arrange a time to speak with one of our team. The assessment process then begins once you choose to proceed with submitting your application.