Greater Green Triangle focus on optimisation

Federal Member for Barker Tony Pasin.

THE Greater Green Triangle is a unique region with an exciting future, not least of which because the forest and forest product industries enjoy bullish prospects.

From nurseries to cutting edge next generation timber mills, the Greater Green Triangle stands poised to capitalise from exciting developments within the sector.

Not only are we currently seeing a step change private sector investment in cross laminated and glue laminated timber at Tarpeena, but the region will also benefit from the outcomes of Federal Government investment into trials of the use of low value fibre to create new timber products.

The $1.3 million grant from the Coalition Government awarded to the Green Triangle Forest Industries Hub in April this year, is about optimising the use of low-grade timber to create higher value products.

An engineered wood product for use in building construction that utilises softwood pulp log and hardwood chip which we hope will see a new hybrid wood product to meet domestic and international demand.

In short, it’s about doing more with less, and it’s exciting that its being done right here in the Greater Green Triangle.

With demand for timber ever increasing across a growing and diverse range of uses, advances in technology and engineered products are the future of the industry and with a proven track record in research, innovation and extension the Greater Green Triangle stands to gain disproportionally.