ST MARTINS Lutheran College is celebrating its 40th year of education this year.
On February 27, 1982, the school started with 33 Primary Students as St Martins Lutheran School at the St Mary’s Catholic Church on Pick Avenue, Mount Gambier.
In 1987, the College moved to its current location on St Martins Drive.
In 2004, St Martins grew to accommodate Secondary Students and became known as St Martins Lutheran College.
The school has now grown to nearly 800 students.
College chair, Mr Mark Monaghan said: “Our college has changed considerably over the past 40 years.”
“However, our mission to provide a Christ-centered education while ensuring that our students are equipped to positively contribute throughout their life remains our key focus.
“We hope to continue to grow our college in the coming years.
“Not only in enrolments but also our sense of community and encouragement of students to embrace their individual talents.”
Mr Monaghan added the college is excited for the future while also reflecting on the past.
“Exciting times await as we plan to improve and increase our facilities with the implementation of our new master plan thanks to a wonderful team of dedicated staff, council members and volunteers,” he said.