Ideal time for planting

Oak tree

IT has been great to see all of the new season 2022 trees, fruit & nut trees and roses looking lush and many loaded with fruit and flowers coming in to the nursery and with the everchanging weather conditions and warm soil its an ideal planting time to get them settle in before winter.

With the huge ranges of advanced and semi mature fruit trees on offer you can pick up five or six year old fruit tree and plant now knowing you wont have to wait for it to fruit.

I know walking through the nursery there are a lot of heritage and cider apples groaning under the weight of fruit and I have plucked one off here and there to eat.

Most early fruiting apples such as Stewart’s Seedling, Kingston Black, Bella Vista ideal for cider and other eating varieties such as Red Love, an incredible apple for bearing fruit but it not only has red skin but red flesh all of the way through and doesn’t brown numerous Peaches, nectarines and now the pears are coming on. Good time to come in and taste the varieties straight off the tree and see if you like them.

Planting citrus trees, deciduous fruit and nut trees and all ornamental trees is in full swing, our Summer Shade sale has been extended for another week so great opportunities are there to add maybe some much needed shade to parts of your garden or windows that you may have discovered in these harsh bursts of heat we have had over the past few weeks and the piercing sun .

The soil warmth is there too so plants will instantly take off and settle in. mandarin and Orange planting season is upon us also as these fruit into winter and through to next spring now is great for planting also.

Now is a good time to have a look around and even plant a mature or advanced shade trees such as some of the Red Ash trees with stunning autumn foliage and Oaks, Elms and Maples renown for their stunning red foliage in autumn/winter.

Some of the lesser known varieties of trees such as the White Cedar – these look stunning in the median strip on Jubilee Highway – and are evergreen in most situations in the region or Indian bean Trees are also in the sale and in my opinion should be planted a lot more.

If it’s evergreen trees you need then the Queensland Box is an upright, fast growing shady trees and has very little leaf drop and certainly one as a great avenue or driveway tree in all parts of the region for its toughness and giving all year round shading, where deciduous, leaves will drop in winter to give added light.

Deciduous trees again, come in many forms, from mop tops, where the size is governed by the grafting and variety, so are good for courtyard shade and smaller spaces right throughout, to lightly foliaged trees, such as silver birch, then to larger, heavily foliaged shade trees such as maples and planes that can give fantastic shading to large and small areas.

Some of our huge range of Mop Top trees are half price in the sale also and we currently grow more than 30 varieties here at Limestone Coast Advanced Trees.

Our production manager must have gone mad as we have our exclusive Evergreen Ornamental Pear bred by Limestone Coast Advanced Trees in the sale, this totally evergreen variety was discovered many years ago and has been a massive seller throughout Australia where its toughness allows it to be widely planted.

Wintergreen can also be used in small suburban gardens as a hedging/screening plant and still has the lovely white blossom of its deciduous cousins.

The Mini Capital ornamental Pear a shorter, narrower version of its big brother has been a huge hit since its release a few years ago and we are finally catching up with demand on growing these.

The Mini Capital is also in the sale which is very unusual as most of these we tend to sell to New South Wales and Victoria as well as all over South Australia.

If you have a need for a shorter growing tree, under powerlines or just a small architectural tree Ginkgo is one not to go past. If the lovely buttery yellow tones of ginkgo are appealing there is a new very narrow variety of them just released and ideal for very narrow spaces.

Whatever your requirements are there are hundreds of trees to choose from here at Limestone Coast Advanced Trees but be quick the sale has been on a few weeks and extended for this week only.

So, if you are looking for a bargain and some instant sized trees, now is the time to get in as they are selling fast .

We have 50 per cent off selected advanced fruit trees laden with fruit for that “instant orchard” and $15 semi mature fruit trees in full fruit. 2022 Dwarf fruit trees have been released and very sought after for their compact growth but abundance of fruit.

Many people realise that these new breeds of dwarf tree produce as much fruit as a full sized tree but can be netted more easily and pruned from the ground – all are ideal for pots.

Our now famous industrial birdnets that we have cut into manageable sizes for all fruit tree and berry types are flying out the door.

These nets are not the flimsy ones that barely last one season and are expensive but heavy duty woven nets that will last for years and very well priced .

Mine is over 20 years old and still going strong and certainly keeps the birds and possums from ruining your fruit.

Summer berries like Raspberries and Mulberries can also be netted to keep the pests out.

The sale ends February march 6th unless of course we are sold out prior so please don’t leave it to the last minute and be disappointed that the bargain hunters have got in before you. We also deliver right across the readership and indeed Australia daily to your door.

Limestone coast Advanced trees is located at 167, Bay Road Mount Gambier on the B66 or Riddoch Highway to Port MacDonnell.