ICONIC dance moments spanning decades will be showcased tonight and tomorrow as Envy Dance Studio’s annual end of year concert hits the Wehl Street Theatre stage.
The Mount Gambier dance company has not missed the celebratory performance since its formation almost a decade ago.
Studio director Tamara Kilsby said excitement was building for the event, which staff did not believe would go ahead as the COVID-19 situation worsened earlier in the year.
Ms Kilsby said eased restrictions now made the event possible, despite it not being the same traditional celebration.
“There was a time with all the rules and regulations, it was not clear as to whether we could hold an event like this and still be able to make it happen,” she said.
“It was up in the air for quite awhile.
“It will be a little bit different but at the same time we are so happy we can still have something.”
This year’s theme is iconic moments of the dancing era including components from landmark dance numbers such as Footloose, Wake Me Up Before you Go-Go and Singin’ in the Rain.
Ms Kilsby said as the current circumstances were different, staff had to brainstorm the best way to provide an opportunity for fun and excitement.
“We thought about the smartest way we could provide a solid performance, but keep it achievable with everything still in the unknown,” she said.
“We are very fortunate to have gotten to this point and to be able to provide an opportunity for these kids to continue doing what they love and perform like they do every year.
“We have also given all our soloists an opportunity to perform because they have not been able to participate in many competitions this year.”
Ms Kilsby said from the day COVID-19 restrictions were implemented, the studio adopted a proactive mindset and had not looked back since.
“It was a bit of shock when COVID-19 came around, but that being said, everyone who helped out, adapted really quickly because of their level of motivation,” she said.
“We wanted to keep doing what we were doing and keep a level of normality for the kids, despite everything changing around them.
“We adapted online classes from the Monday following the restrictions announcement and families were very happy their children could keep doing what they enjoy.”
Ms Kilsby said the studio proudly provided a family-friendly environment, which would be evident on stage during the annual performance.
The two-hour end of year showcase will be held at the Wehl Street Theatre from 7pm tonight and 1pm tomorrow.