Picture: J.L. “FRED” SMITH
MILLICENT’S Peter Dunnicliff is one of 42 candidates up for election to the new Ministerial Recreational Fishing Advisory Council.
If all goes to plan, Mr Dunnicliff will provide a strong local voice in the upper echelons of government about a popular pastime at Southend and Beachport and along the South East coast.
After spending much of his working life at the local Kimberly-Clark Australia mills, Mr Dunnicliff now operates the fishing tackle shop at Beachport.
He is currently serving his fourth term on Wattle Range Council, having first been elected in 2006.
His background in fishery management includes being a member of the local area representative on the marine parks planning group and secretary of the South East branch of the recreational fishing association for three years.
Speaking to The South Eastern Times, Mr Dunnicliff said it was essential for all regions to be represented on the new ministerial committee.
“Through the shop, I provide information to hundreds of visitors about the fishing and the regulations of recreational fishing in the region,” Mr Dunnicliff said.
“I have a comprehensive knowledge of the Limestone Coast and fishing opportunities available, including beach, rock, jetty and boat (inshore and offshore).
“The fishing in the South East region is unique in the state and local knowledge is important.
“I have interaction with many fishers, amateur and professional and provide information.
“Preservation of resources and adherence to regulations is vital.
“I liaise regularly with PIRSA Fisheries officers in the area.
“Twelve years on local council is beneficial to decision making.”
Mr Dunnicliff joins Blackfellows Caves resident Peter Whitehead on the list as the only South East nominees on the State Government convened body.
Mr Whitehead has also been a member of Lower South East Marine Parks Committee and was a long-time member of the South Australian Recreational Fishing Advisory Council Inc.
Among the other nominees are media identity and ex-Crows footballer Stephen Rowe.
Five individuals will be elected to the council, who will join the already appointed experienced recreational fishers Tracey Tito, John Thomas, Ian Fitzgerald and Graham Keegan.
The council will provide feedback and advice to government on recreational fishing development issues and initiatives and big picture policy issues that impact the recreational fishing sector.
The group will directly engage with Primary Industries Minister Tim Whetstone on recreational fishing issues.
Mr Whetstone said he was “delighted” with the response to the government’s call for nominations.
“We have a great spread of candidates – inland and marine fishers, tackle industry workers, women and men, across a range of ages and now it is up to the recreational fishers of South Australia to decide,” he said.
“I thank these candidates for putting their hand up and nominating for the council.”
Online voting is now open via State Government website and will run until 9am on March 18.