GREG McKeever has cooked meals for the likes of Dolly Parton, Paul and Linda McCartney, Tina Turner, the Bee Gees and Queen Elizabeth II.
Presented with a coveted Golden Knife rating in 2010, the award winning chef could boast about more than one claim to fame, but Mr McKeever was quick to downplay his success.
“I don’t know if the Queen actually ate any of the food, but I catered three events she attended during one of her visits in the late ’80s,” he said.
The modest Mr McKeever and his affable partner Heather Holmes spoke to The Border Watch this week after a frenetic second weekend at the Mount Gambier Community Returned and Services League.
The pair leased the kitchen less than a month ago, moving from Adelaide to start a new chapter and “help turn things around” for the embattled organisation.
“Everyone told us it would most likely be really quiet here during winter but the last two weekends have been flat out,” Ms Holmes said.
“In the last three days we have served around 500 meals – we just can’t believe it.”
Ms Holmes said she hoped over 50 combined years of experience in the industry would prove invaluable to the RSL.
“We have been together 23 years and we have worked together most of that time,” she said.
“Greg is the chef and he works out the back and I do the front of house, guide the staff and organise the functions – I previously worked in marketing but I’ve been in the hospitality industry a long, long time.
“I have already started streamlining service in the restaurant and we are planning to overhaul the menu.”
Mr McKeever worked for the Sparr Group of companies for 14 years, across venues including The Grand Bar in Glenelg and Windy Point Restaurant.
“When Greg was working in the Sparr Group he was one of the chefs that would cater for any of the entertainers who came to town,” Ms Holmes said.
“He has actually cooked for some very famous people.”

Mr McKeever once shopped for groceries with Linda McCartney.
“I went shopping with Linda McCartney in the Adelaide Central Market when I was cooking for her and Paul and their team,” Mr McKeever said.
“No one recognised her which I found strange.
“I also looked after the corporate marquees at the Formula 1 Grand Prix for a number of years – it was always hard work but a lot of fun.”
Ms Holmes said a friend informed the pair about the plight of the struggling RSL.
“We were thinking of buying a business of our own and when someone told us about the RSL leasing out the kitchen we rang up,” she said.
“As soon as we walked in the doors we just knew – it’s the most beautiful club.
“Just the vibe we had talking to the committee, they have a positive outlook and a direction for the club that aligns with ours.”
Ms Holmes said she was confident operations at the restaurant and within the club would “complement each other.”
“We wouldn’t have uprooted and moved from Adelaide if we didn’t believe this would be a success,” she said.
“When we applied for the lease we said we aren’t in this just for ourselves, we are coming to help you as well.
“I’m so glad we came – we have been extremely happy with the first two weeks.”
Crowned Australia’s National Steak Champion in 2010, Mr McKeever’s famous pepperjack steak will feature on the updated menu.