Nominate your top ag town

NOMINATE: Tatiara District Council elected member Nat Moore, mayor Liz Goossens and former councillor Cathy Langley at the 2023 Ag Town of the Year awards night. Picture: File

The hunt is on for the 2024 Ag Town of the Year and Limestone Coast residents are invited to nominate their top town.

Introduced in 2019, the award recognises the importance of developing and maintaining a strong agricultural sector in South Australia by recognising towns excelling in agricultural practices, strengthening their region, and supporting a vibrant and resilient community.

In 2023 Bordertown made it to the top three towns, but was beaten by Wudinna after an intensive judging process.

Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development Clare Scriven said the award recognised the important role agriculture played in regional communities.

“Our regions are the backbone of our state and the economic powerhouse driving prosperity for all South Australians,” she said.

“Our regional towns deserve to be celebrated for all they contribute to our incredible state and their community spirit.

“Let’s shine the light on our fantastic agricultural towns and celebrate their achievements whilst also providing a platform where communities can learn from one another.”

Any regional town in South Australia can be nominated and enter the award and ‘regional’ is defined as towns located within Areas 1-6 on the PIRSA Regions Map.

For the purpose of the award, ‘agriculture’ refers to all primary industries – field crops, horticulture, meat and livestock, dairy, grape and wine, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture.

A town’s involvement in agriculture is not limited to farmers but includes the wider community that supports the industry including shops, service providers, community activities.

The 2024 winner will be announced at the Regional Showcase Awards celebration event on October 24.

Nominations close Wednesday, June 5, and can be made via