Feral deer costing millions

PROTECTING THE REGION: Limestone Coast Landscape Board feral deer project officer Aidan Laslett said the feral deer eradication program can deliver intensive control of the pest on a large scale, which has the power to protect the region. Picture: File

LANDHOLDERS are urged to join the Limestone Coast Landscape Board’s (LC Landscape Board) Feral Deer Eradication Program to support the elimination of this costly pest.

The call for properties to participate in the eradication effort following the release of a feral deer economic analysis commissioned by PIRSA in consultation with Landscape Boards and Livestock SA.

The report found South Australia’s feral deer population could explode by more than 500 per cent in the next decade, costing primary producers up to $242 million if further control action is not taken.

Along with recent aerial monitoring and results from the LC Landscape Board shooting operations, the report’s findings have been the catalyst for significant investment over the next three years in the first steps to eradicate feral deer from the Limestone Coast.

Limestone Coast Landscape Board general manager, Steve Bourne said that unfortunately, a large proportion of South Australia’s feral deer population is here in the Limestone Coast which is why the LC Landscape Board is investing significantly over the next few years to achieve eradication.

The report developed by BDO Econsearch considered the impact of feral deer in South Australia under a ‘business as usual’ approach, which maintains current control effort with no additional funding.

Under this approach it is projected that by 2031, the feral deer population would increase from the current estimation of about 40,000 across the state to 208,000.

The report also found that production losses attributed to feral deer in SA would increase from an estimated $36 million in the 2020/21 financial year to $242 million by 2032, through deer damaging, contaminating or eating crops and pastures, or through competition with livestock.

“We have heard the message from the report, combined with recent disease concerns from primary producers who are closely monitoring the heightened risk of foot and mouth disease to Australia and we are responding quickly,“ Mr Bourne said.

“We have an opportunity right now in our region where the feral deer population is not as wide-spread compared to the eastern states and we have a real possibility of eradicating them from the region.“

Supported through funding from the South Australian Government’s Landscape Priorities Fund and landscape levy, the LC Landscape Board’s Feral Deer Eradication Program includes aerial and ground shooting operations that landowners can join at no cost.

The program also ensures farmed deer are contained and ear tagged, and conducts aerial monitoring to identify where feral deer are being harboured.

Managing feral deer populations is best achieved by involving all land managers in the local area.

Limestone Coast Landscape Board feral deer project officer Aidan Laslett said that through working together, it can deliver intensive feral deer control at the largest possible scale, resulting in achieving eradication and protecting the region.

“We are seeking to increase the number of properties involved in our Feral Deer Eradication Program and landholders with feral deer on their property are encouraged to contact us to participate,” Mr Laslett said.

The program is easy to join and free to landholders takes into account local terrain and individual landholder circumstances such as stock movements to ensure high standards of effectiveness are achieved.