Fox baiting

FOX BAITING TOOLS: Limestone Coast Landscape Board Landscape Officer, Alan Robins.

BAITING for foxes at least twice a year, during early spring and again in early autumn, can provide significant benefits to producers in the region and a coordinated approach with neighbours can be key to a successful control program.

Spring is breeding season for foxes, with an increased food demand for rearing young.

Not only will baiting in spring help protect native wildlife, it will also reduce fox numbers in the lead up to lambing in autumn.

In the Limestone Coast, foxes have a significant impact on the regions biodiversity and agricultural production, spreading diseases and weeds that can entail costly control methods, along with predation on native fauna such as ground nesting birds, small mammals and reptiles.

Limestone Coast Landscape Board Landscape Officer, Alan Robins, said that there is no stand-alone method to controlling foxes.

“The best approach to managing fox problems is through a coordinated fox control program utilising a variety of fox control methods such as ground shooting, baiting and fumigation of dens,” he said.

Most effective control occurs if multiple methods are used and by teaming up with your neighbours in a coordinated approach.

“Foxes do not recognise property boundaries,” he said.

“Working with neighbours to bait at the same time will have a much greater result, reducing both the fox population and the level of reinvasion whilst limiting the social impact of the baiting.”

Landscape Officers are able to supply 1080 fox baits, PAPP fox baits, canid pest ejector capsules, and provide trap hire.

For more information on fox management in your area, contact your local Landscape Officer by calling the Limestone Coast Landscape Board in Mount Gambier 87351204 or in Keith 87551620.