New track for Newman

NEW RELEASE: Free Me by Alison Newman is out now. (Supplied)

Melanie Riley

ALISON Newman has recently released the second part of her story – her new song Free Me.

Five tracks made up her latest EP, ‘Wolf’ and she has been working on releasing one of these tracks on the last Friday of each month, with the first track ‘Things Are About to Get Dark’ released last month.

The EP tells the story of Newman’s journey through postnatal depression following the birth of her two children.

Free Me has been described by Newman as “her cry for help.”

“I know I’m in deep with this PND and I’m calling in vain to the Wolf to free me from his grip, free my soul and leave me,” she said.

“I wish I knew how to get away, I wish I knew the answers.”

Newman said the song has a hidden reference to her caesarean in the last lines of the song ‘I can’t do this’ which is repeated several times.

“I had that in my head. I just felt like I didn’t know what to do with this baby,” Newman said.

“I didn’t have the capacity to mother him and I just thought ‘I don’t know what to do with him.’”

Newman said while the lyrics are still quite dark, the music is a lot more uplifting compared to Things Are About to Get Dark and listeners should be able to bop along.

Free Me and the further three releases can be found on all streaming platforms.