Check out chess fun

GAME ON: Chess enthusiasts from around the region will gather in Port MacDonnell this weekend for the inaugural Crayzee Lobster Chess Tournament. Picture: File

Sophie Conlon

Chess enthusiasts from around the region will gather in Port MacDonnell this weekend for the inaugural Crayzee Lobster Chess Tournament.

Organiser David Soderblom said he felt chess needed more promotion in the region and set out planning the event about five weeks ago.

“Certainly Port MacDonnell is not known for chess,” he said.

He said a group of people from Mount Gambier/ Berrin, Portland, Warrnambool, Millicent and Penola had come together to plan the competition at the seaside town.

Mr Soderblom said he, and a few others, had been working hard over the last few weeks and was looking forward to it paying off on Saturday.

“Everyone’s chipped in and the result is on the day we’re accommodating about 35 people,” he said.

He said the event had so far been welcomed by the community, with businesses throwing their support behind him.

“They have been very very kind to us, they have donated food and prizes, it has been amazing,” he said.

Players would be put through their paces with the tournament following an eight round Swiss style.

“You will get a chance to play against others, hopefully of a similar ability and the idea is you can miss winning a particular game and your next match would be against somebody that’s lost,” Mr Soderblom said.

“If you won, your next match would be against someone else that has won.

“You will have a minimum of eight games.”

However, Mr Soderblom said there would be some fun on the day too.

“That’s one of the rules, rule 13 on Saturday is that you enjoy yourself,” he said.

It will all take place at the Port MacDonnell Men’s Shed, which Mr Soderblom said had been terrific.

Registrations have now closed, though Mr Soderblom said people were welcome to come and watch the tournament.

“It’s absolutely riveting, it’s like playing cricket when you’re blindfolded,” he said.

“It’s not a game that’s easy to watch, particularly to watch and not comment, it’s difficult to keep your mouth shut sometimes.”

Mr Soderblom said he would like to see the tournament run annually, though big holdbacks included accommodation and travel.

“It is a little bit awkward to arrange,” he said.

“To have it here it is a distance people end up driving… and if we were going to organise a bigger event next year, where do people stay?

“A lot of people are restricted.”

The Crayzee Lobster Chess Tournament will be held on Saturday, May 18, at the Port MacDonnell Men’s Shed.

Players are expected to arrive from 9.30am, with play kicking off at 10am.