Art journey shared in Millicent gallery

Ian Harrison Exhibition  TBW Newsgroup
POINT OF INTEREST: Ian Harrison with his painting From Possum to Plank, which is about endangered pygmy possums. Picture: AMY MAYNARD

Ian Harrison Exhibition  TBW Newsgroup
POINT OF INTEREST: Ian Harrison with his painting From Possum to Plank, which is about endangered pygmy possums. Picture: AMY MAYNARD

IAN Harrison’s exhibition My Journey, opened on October 3, has already attracted curious viewers to the Millicent Gallery with more than a few paintings sold.

“It’s been very good so far,” Mr Harrison said.

“Every day since I have been here there have been interested people coming through and talking about the paintings.”

Mr Harrison said many of his paintings were landscapes such as Beachport or Woakwine Cutting and people had been interested in his rendering of Lake McIntyre.

He said an abstract painting of a disembodied kaleidoscope was a popular piece with children.

Other sites of interest were his paintings of Finke in the Northern Territory, his protest paintings featuring endangered wildlife and Thaynes Creek in Warwick, Queensland.

“I had a lady come in here and she said, ‘I have been to that creek at least 10 times and I have never seen water in it’,” he said.

“I said, ‘well I suppose you’ll have to buy my painting’.”

My Journey runs until early November and is free to view at the Millicent Gallery.