THE Gambier City Ladies Probus Club celebrated its 27th birthday last month with a luncheon at the Mount Gambier Bowls Club.
Guest speakers for the day included Neil McLean and John Rymill who spoke about their trips to the Antarctic, following in the footsteps of Mr Rymill’s great-grandfather, who led the British Graham Land expedition to the Antarctic between 1934 and 1937.
Inaugural member Grace Plew, life member Pam Hillier, and 96 year old Isobel Phillips cut the birthday cake.
After 27 years in operation, the club continues to provide fellowship and friendship to many retired members of the Mount Gambier community.
“It’s about getting people out of their houses, if they feel lonely,” committee member Bev McLean said.
“You know, as we retire and get older and get all of our health problems, it’s good to get out and mix with other people.
And this is a way to kind of do it.”
Each month the club hosts a guest speaker on various topics and organises outings across the region.
The Gambier City Ladies Probus Club meets at 10am on the fourth Tuesday of each month at the Mount Gambier Bowls Club.
Women aged over 55 and retired are invited to join.
Contact Judy Renney on 0439 843 475 for more information.