BUSINESSES and community groups can now access funding opportunities with ease through the Limestone Coast Grant Finder.
The free online portal, an initiative of Regional Development Australia Limestone Coast (RDALC), provides a comprehensive list of funding opportunities available to local business, community groups, sporting clubs, not-for-profit organisations, individuals and Local Government.
RDALC chief executive David Wheaton said the grant finder was the first of its kind in the region and would help more funding flow to local projects.
“Our goal is to increase our support for business, community groups and Local Government to access funding opportunities that will support economic growth and community wellbeing,” Mr Wheaton said.
“RDALC recognise the importance and value that external funding plays in supporting regional projects,” he said.
“By making a significant investment in the Limestone Coast Grant Finder, we are speeding up the grant search process and building capacity of business and community to leverage additional funds into the region.”
The informative tool works by collating funding from a cross-section of state, federal and local government, private companies, government agencies and other philanthropic organisations into one easy location, which can be accessed at any time from any device.
“Users have the opportunity to create a login where they can save, track, and create alerts for the type of grants they are interested in,” Mr Wheaton said.
“People can register to receive reminders when certain funding rounds become available, giving businesses and community groups the chance to put together well- prepared funding applications,” he said.
The portal also provides guidance on finding and applying for grants to maximise the chance of success and has a directory of external professional writers that can help prepare applications.
Visit www.rdalc.org.au/funding to view the Limestone Coast Grant Finder.