Rotary caring for the earth

SAVE THE EARTH: Rotarians focus on protecting our Environment

Rotary Clubs in District 9780 are making a significant impact on the environment through a range of initiatives focused on sustainability and conservation.

Whether joining beach patrols to collect and sort marine and river debris, cleaning up litter from parks and walkways, or working on projects to preserve mangroves,

Rotarians are making a difference.

Rotary Clubs in the district have taken up the cause of collecting small items often overlooked in traditional waste management. Plastic milk bottle lids, bread tags, pharmaceutical blister packs, and batteries are being gathered and recycled, demonstrating that even seemingly minor efforts can have a positive impact on the environment.

More than 2000 kilograms of pharmaceutical blister packs were saved from landfill in a few months in Geelong alone, with the separated components returned to the Circular Economy.

Tree planting continues as a key focus for many Rotary Clubs. Some clubs have planted hundreds of trees directly, while others support organizations like The Koala Clancy Foundation, who plant trees for koalas. Planting pollinator-friendly gardens is a fun way club members protect and support our critical bee populations.

Education is at the heart of the Rotary Clubs’ environmental mission.

Members are committed to learning about ways to reduce waste in their clubs and homes.

Special attention is given to reducing plastic use, aligning with a broader goal of fostering sustainable practices.

Clubs have held workshops for all community members on making native bee hotels and ran a plant-based cooking class.

Rotary Clubs in District 9780 are proving that small, community-led actions can make a big difference in the global fight against environmental challenges.

In their own way, Rotary Clubs are sowing the seeds of a more sustainable future.