Dog trials return Easter weekend

EASTER TRIALS UNDERWAY: Members of the Blue Lake Obedience Dog Club Sharon Mulshine with Alice and Meg, Ian Mallard with Amber, Peppa, Dianne O'Leary with Lexu and Karen Kennedy with Jesse gear up for the Easter Trials alongside president Lea Clark. Picture: CHARLOTTE VARCOE

Charlotte Varcoe

CANINE competitors will gather in Mount Gambier/Berrin over the Easter long weekend as part of the annual dog trials.

The annual event, hosted by the Blue Lake Obedience Dog Club, will welcome dog trainers and competitors from across the state.

Displays of agility, jumping, obedience and rallies will be held across the Saturday and Sunday of the Easter weekend before a grand finale on the Sunday afternoon.

Obedience Club president Lea Clark said there were a lot of local competitors eager to participate in this year’s event.

“We have so many locals who want to participate and having the Easter trials here locally gives them an opportunity without having to travel,” Ms Clark said.

“We have not got a full amount of entries at this moment but entries are open until March 15 and we are aware they are coming in thick and fast.”

She said thus far there had been entries from those in the Riverland and Adelaide as well as a strong number locally.

“We are thinking it will be a great weekend and to give all our locals a chance to participate without having to travel is great,” Ms Clark said.

“A lot of our locals cannot travel because of the price of fuel these days so it is great to have something right at their back door.

“We also have some great dogs coming through and of course their handlers.”

She said although she was currently unsure about how the weekend’s weather would turn out, she was sure it would be a fantastic event for all.

On Saturday, there will be jumping, agility and obedience competitions in the morning with rallies added to the agenda in the afternoon.

Sunday morning will also host jumping, agility and rallies before the grand final in the afternoon.

The Easter trials will be held at the Blue Lake Obedience Dog Club grounds at Hastings Cunningham Reserve on March 30 and 31.