Album launch success for Stuckey

ALBUM SUCCESS: Last Friday saw the launch of Kane Stuckey's debut album. Picture: MELANIE RILEY.

Melanie Riley

MORE than 400 people filled the Globe Hotel last Friday night for the launch of Kane Stuckey’s debut album, Calamity.

Joined with local talents GERNZ, Stokes and Sexy as S**t, the night had everyone singing and dancing along, no matter their music taste.

Mr Stuckey was in high spirits following the launch, and said he couldn’t be happier with how it went.

“I’m still on cloud nine, I’m just absolutely gobsmacked at how amazing the show was,” he said.

“The turn out was incredible, all the bands absolutely killed it, it was just an insane show.”

The night had a hint of nostalgia for those that frequented the old gaol when local, interstate and international artists would play, and Mr Stuckey agreed.

“That’s what I was after, I miss those days, they were so much fun,” he said.

Mr Stuckey extended appreciation to all involved in making the night the success it was.

“The bands, the staff and the sound guy, everyone did such an awesome job,” he said.

“There were a lot of moving cogs for this all to work, and luckily they all just blended together and everything was just fantastic.”

He gave a special mention to his own band, Richard McLoughlin and Nick Landers both on guitar, Tom Schumacher on bass and Brad Bliss on drums.

“I can’t thank the band enough for taking time out of their days to come and jam with me every week for the last couple of months,” Mr Stuckey said.

“They’ve been absolutely amazing, and it’s been an absolute dream to actually go back out and start jamming with a band again, it has been fantastic.”

Mr Stuckey’s set included a guest appearance from an old friend, Josh Lynagh, otherwise known as Streamlyne, for his feature in the the song ‘Out On My Own’.

Mr Stuckey encouraged people to support local artists and the local music scene, and said it has at times been a struggle to keep the music scene alive.

“This town just has so many amazingly talented artists, it’s stupid how many incredible artists there are,” he said.

With the closure of Dale Cleves music in mid-2022, Mr Stuckey said it has been hard for local artists to keep that motivation to continue to make music.

He said he hoped with more events and opportunities for artists to get involved and get their name out, the music scene would pick up again.

“Hopefully something like this will keep it alive and motivate some people,” he said.

“There is just so much talent down here, it’s crazy.

“[The music scene] is something that needs to be nurtured and looked after, because we can’t let it die.”

Mr Stuckey said he would love to see more music events held, where local artists can be showcased, especially those just starting out.

“I would love to do more nights like that, it’s just a matter of finding the local bands that are keen to do it,” he said.

“I’ve got a couple of students that are learning guitar at the moment, so they can start bands, so it’s cool to be on the other side, helping people learn the instruments to join those bands.”

He already has plans to collaborate with others to organise a music event a bit later on in the year to hopefully pull more bands out of the woodwork.

“I’ve got insane guests lined up already and it’ll be a bit bigger this time,” he said.

He said hopefully joining the line up will be some guests America that are part of very well established bands.

“Hopefully everything goes smoothly and I’ll get some incredibly insane artists from all over the world into those guest spots,” he said.

For his future, Mr Stuckey has a “very exciting” project happening soon, but has kept it under wraps for now.

Following that project, he has no plans to settle down and will begin working on his next album.