Tigers too strong for Saints

ACCURATE: Emma Gould looks to score on her way to best player for Tantanoola against Nangwarry on Saturday. Picture: LACHLAN ONIONS

Tantanoola 73 d Nangwarry 21

TANTANOOLA made easy work of its Mid South East netball Round 12 clash with Nangwarry, despite a strong opening term from both sides.

Both teams started strong and fast down the courts, but Nangwarry struggled to convert at their end, while Tantanoola was accurate.

It showed at the end of the first term, as the Tigers led by nine goals.

Tantanoola then picked up the pace in attack, with both goalies working overtime.

Emma Gould was a major focal point in the goal circle, positioning and holding well to make it easy for her feeders.

Gould, along with Jami Walker at goal attack, moved around with patience and finished with accuracy.

Nangwarry defenders worked hard for any turnovers they got.

The Saints brought the ball down the court well through Cassie Dinnison and Claire Ferguson, but found it hard to feed the goalers at times as defensive pressure from Tantanoola defenders did not make it easy.

The Tigers increased their lead to 30 goals heading into the main break.

Tantanoola made a change, with Gould and Jami Walker swapping positions in the circle. Nangwarry swapped Chrystal Lock into goal keeper, Kayla Gray to goal defence and Carly Ploenges to wing defence.

However, it still did not stop Tantanoola goalers, even though Gray got numerous hands to balls and rebounds.

Gould continued to shoot accurately, while Lock really made Jami Walker work hard.

Casey Walker and Kate Varcoe provided a lot of opportunities for their goalers with some great attacking onto the circle and pinpoint feeding.

Hayley Vanderhorst worked hard in goals, moving well with Tahlia Wilson, but struggled with the tight defence from Tayla Rowe and Bella Poulish.

Tantanoola kept up the hard work and continued to pressure Nangwarry, with Rowe taking numerous intercepts and transitioning the ball well down the court into the Tantanoola goalers. Dinnison continued to provide drive for her team, but was not left with a lot of options to pass to as Tantanoola’s defensive pressure was too strong.

Casey Walker drove hard onto the circle and had a good tussle with Ploenges, but the Tigers were too strong and experienced for the Nangwarry team and chalked up a dominant win.

Gould and Jami Walker were named best for the victors, while Vanderhorst and Wilson were best for Nangwarry.