Midnight fundraiser to feature cult classic

MIDNIGHT SCREENING: Limestone Coast Connect chair Pat Smith hopes to see a lot of people turning out in costume to support a special showing of Rocky Horror. Picture: Aidan Curtis.

MOUNT Gambier will host a midnight screening of the cult classic film Rocky Horror Picture Show as part of a fundraiser for the LGBTIQA+ community.

The screening is looking to raise funds for LGBTIQA+ community group Limestone Coast Connect (LCC) by encouraging people to get dressed up for a night out at the Oatmill Cinema.

LCC chair Pat Smith said the screening is not only a fundraiser, but a good opportunity to spread awareness on an important day on the LGBTIQA+ calendar.

“It’s a fundraiser for Limestone Coast Connect for International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT), which is one of the two most important days of significance on the Australian LGBTIQA+ calendar,” Mr Smith said.

“We’re hoping to see a positive community response that is showing support and inclusion for the LGBTIQA+ community here locally in Mount Gambier.”

Mr Smith said midnight screenings of Rocky Horror are a “very special cultural event” within the LGBTIQA+ community and he thanked the Oatmill for their support in the lead up to the night.

The night will include costumes, singing and dancing, and props will be available to make the screening as interactive as possible.

Rocky Horror will be screened on Saturday, May 20 with doors open from 11:30pm.

Tickets are available online at https://events.humanitix.com/rhps-for-idahobit-2023 or through the Limestone Coast Connect Facebook page.