UNCERTAINTY hangs over country shows across South Australia in 2020 due to restrictions associated with the COVID-19 virus.
The flagship Royal Adelaide Show has been postponed until 2021, as well as 20 other shows over the spring months including Penola and Kingston.
The Millicent Show is scheduled to proceed on November 6 to 8.
Millicent Show Society president Neville Copping said the committee was due to meet in Millicent last night with the restrictions associated with the COVID-19 virus among the likely talking points.
Without pre-empting the outcome of the meeting, he said it was possible a decision one way or the other about the Millicent Show for 2020 could have been taken.
However, Mr Copping said the committee could have instead decided to delay the decision for another few weeks for consideration of various matters.
Maintenance activities continue at the Millicent Showgrounds while its RV park has recently reopened to travellers after COVID-19 restrictions were eased.
The 156th Penola Show had been slated for October 30 to 31.
Penola Show society president Dr Kerry DeGaris said although the cancellation decision was difficult to make, all committee members believed it to be the correct choice due to current circumstances.
She said cattle shows will not go ahead at all, but the committee would consider organising online competitions for entrants who would typically enter in the arts, crafts and baking competitions.
The 2020 rural ambassadors will also be transferred to the 2021 Penola Show.
“During our recent committee meeting we did speak about hosting some online competitions and I suspect we may look into that in the coming months whether it is through social media or through professional judges,” she said.