EDGARLEY Home is searching for a new chief executive officer amid the resignation of Steve Toope, who has stepped down for family reasons.
Mr Toope has been at the helm of the Casterton aged care facility for the past 11 years.
Board chair Andrew Speirs said the board accepted his resignation and fully understood the reasons behind his decision.
“It’s certainly not something we were planning for, with a number of developments happening at Edgarley including the start of the new building works, however we fully support Steve at this difficult time and wish him all the best,” Mr Speirs said.
The board has started its search for a replacement and will “cast the advertising net” to attract the right person with the necessary skills and experience.
Mr Toope said this was not the way he wished to leave Edgarley, but circumstances were beyond his control.
“There is still a lot of unfinished business with Edgarley and I would hope the new replacement will continue on with the exciting expansions under way,” he said.
Mr Toope believed he was leaving the organisation in a stronger position than when he started.
“There is still work to be done and the aged care sector has a number of issues that lay ahead of it. Funding is one of the key issues for Edgarley, as it is with the whole sector,” he said.
“Since I started in this role in 2008, our funding has always remained a source of contention.
“To put this into context, we have received approximately half of the CPI for each year. It is not difficult to deduce the problems that arise from this arrangement.”
He said he was proud the organisation had been creative and entrepreneurial to grow and manage the funding shortfall.
“In the future there will be a catch-up time.”
Mr Toope revealed the royal commission into the aged care sector would throw up challenges and recommendations for not only the sector, but also for the government.
He is hopeful there will be a recommendation for an increase in funding.
“This is a head and a heart issue. My heart says it should happen, my head tells me considering the past government rhetoric and lack of funds that it will not happen,” he said.
Mr Toope said the staff at Edgarley have been “very supportive” and should be congratulated.
“Aged care is not easy. It is difficult, hard and demanding work. I could not do what the staff do and I take my hat off to them for their dedication.
“The broader community should be proud they have people who can look after our elderly citizens. Very proud indeed,” he said.
“I would also like to thank the current and past members of the voluntary Edgarley Board, who have guided the organisation through some difficult and trying times.
“Without their support we would not have been able to achieve the success we have over the past eleven years.
Mr Toope said they should all be congratulated.
He foreshadowed Casterton had a bright future and there were many opportunities that could and should be pursued.