GRANT District Council works manager Adrian Schutz has raised questions why the 80kph speed signs on the Riddoch Highway remain given there are no road works under way.
He revealed council staff had been “hammered” with calls from the public regarding the 80kph speed limit signs on the highway.
At this week’s council meeting, Mr Schutz expressed his growing frustrations about “following up” matters with Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure.
“I’m talking answers, responses and the 80kph speed limit signs on the Riddoch Highway,” Mr Schutz said.
“I have emailed them why they are up and apparently the line-marking is not to DPTI standards – to me it is as good as anywhere.
“The department does not operate the way it use to.
“Most of the decisions come out of Murray Bridge for our region down here.”
It is understood other councils in the region is also facing roadblocks in regarding communications with the department.
Meanwhile, Mayor Richard Sage raised concerns about water pooling on some state transport department roads in the district.
He said this was evident during the recent wet and windy days, which was “making it dangerous for people to drive”.
Mr Sage questioned the maintenance of shoulders.
In response, Mr Schutz said he “totally agreed” with the mayor’s comments.
“I will take it on board and will keep on trying, but it is a difficult thing,” Mr Schutz said.
“You can drive down White Avenue, where Borg is and there are ‘water over road’ signs and they have been there for two to three weeks.”
He also revealed a resident in the district was seeing water rushing down her driveway from a state controlled road.
Mr Sage said there was now an opportunity to take the matter up with Transport Minister Stephan Knoll.
“Maybe if we can get some photographic evidence about what is actually happening on a real wet day, we can take that with us,” Mr Sage said.
He flagged there was meant to be a pilot projec which would allow private contractors to do the work.