THE Adelaide lawyer representing dumped Grant District Council chief executive David Singe yesterday lashed out at elected members for putting ratepayers’ money at risk.
Lawyer Greg Griffin vowed to start legal proceedings on behalf of Mr Singe and foreshadowed they “will succeed”.
He warned ratepayers now faced paying potentially more than $1m in damages to his client due to what he claims was the ill-considered decision made by elected members.
“Elected members should seriously consider their positions,” Mr Griffin told The Border Watch yesterday.
Mr Griffin – who has been involved with local government legal issues for decades – said the actions by Grant District Council elected members were the most “extraordinary” he had seen.
He argued elected members made the decision without considering the financial and legal impact on the council and ratepayers.
Mr Griffin said the $500 offer by elected members for Mr Singe’s travel expenses back to Melbourne at last week’s meeting was the most inappropriate offer “imaginable”.
“The meeting was an ambush. The elected members are not playing with their own money, but with ratepayers’ money,” the veteran lawyer said.
Mr Griffin also called for council to release the cultural review into the organisation, which was initiated by Mr Singe.
But he revealed whether or not this document was released by council, it would become public during the civil court proceedings.
Mr Griffin warned the public release of the document would see the whole process “unravel” for councillors.
“There is no chance this document will remain confidential,” Mr Griffin said.
According to Mr Griffin, Mr Singe had not been given a copy of the report nor was he given the opportunity to respond.
In unprecedented scenes in the Grant District Council chamber last week, elected members “immediately” terminated Mr Singe’s contract just six months into a five year contract.
According to the minutes of the closed door meeting, the meeting was held in connection to the cultural review.
Mr Singe initiated for the cultural review following a raft of elected member code of conduct issues plaguing council.
The issues also included a “hazard” report to council regarding perceived bullying claims.
According to the minutes of the “special meeting” on Tuesday, April 16, the cultural review was the agenda item.
“All members of the public be excluded from attendance,” the minutes said.
“The council is satisfied the principle the meeting be conducted in a place open to the public has been outweighed in the circumstances because of the sensitive and highly confidential nature of the decision relating to staff.”
Elected members present at the meeting were: Mayor Richard Sage and councillors Bruce Bain, Gill Clayfield, Megan Dukalskis, Jody Elliott, Barry Kuhl, Shirley Little and Brad Mann.
Crs Kylie Boston and Julie Reis were absent.
It is not known whether the decision was unanimous or split.
Mr Singe and Grant District Mayor Richard Sage did not return calls yesterday.
The Border Watch also made calls to council’s acting chief executive officer Jane Fetherstonhaugh.