COMPTON Primary School students were encouraged to “dream big” at a special school assembly earlier this month.
Year 2 and 3 students dressed up in their dream job attire, with students sharing their hopes for the future and what the occupation means to them.
Their stories followed a musical opening to the assembly as students performed Dolly Parton’s song 9 To 5.
Shirley Roulstone guided the Year 3 students who had composed their own musical pieces on xylophone which featured two bars of music repeated four times.
Year 2 students demonstrated their understanding of beat as well as tempo for their favourite piece of music.
The primary school welcomed James Morrison Academy students Tyler Marchiori and Darcy Henderson, who volunteered their time and musical experience to support the school’s music lessons during term one.
Leading up to the assembly, the class was divided into groups with different instruments where they worked together to perform a steady “percussive groove” alongside the band.
The final song for the assembly was A Million Dreams, reflecting the children’s positive thinking and belief in their own dreams.
“The most important message of our assembly was to dream big, no matter what you want to be, it is also important to always try your best,” Year 2/3 teacher Maria DeDonatis said.
“We might have a million dreams about the future but we will find the one that is right for us, we may even change our minds along the way and that is alright.”