Free Wi-Fi at Centrelink offices

EVERY Centrelink office is now a free Wi-Fi hotspot, ensuring all Australians can do more of their government business online.

Human Services and Digital Transformation Minister Michael Keenan said the rollout, which will see over 900 service centres, agents and access points connected, bringing simplicity and convenience to digital services.

“The free Wi-Fi network allows customers to download and use government apps and provides access to a range of other approved online services including banking, job searches, community support, education and training,” he said.

“Additionally, all of our service centres and agents have experienced staff on hand to walk people through how to use the department’s digital services, or provide support and assistance with more complex issues that cannot be resolved easily online.”

The free Wi-Fi rollout follows major federally-funded upgrades to internet connections at hundreds of remote locations around Australia, where connectivity was previously unavailable or unreliable.

Works have included installation of satellite based internet services at some locations.

The improved access is part of the government’s Digital Transformation Strategy, which will ensure all government services are available digitally by 2025.