THE saying good things come in pairs certainly rings true for sisters who have given birth just two hours apart at Mount Gambier Hospital.
Holding their bundles of joy yesterday in the hospital’s maternity ward, Kristy and Jessica Price described their delight their newborns arrived on the same day.
Mount Gambier couple Jessica Price and Ethan Parsons welcomed Damon into the world on Monday at 12.39pm, weighing a healthy 4460 grams.
Two hours later his cousin Ella arrived for Compton’s Kristy Price and David Allen at 2.42pm and weighing 2450 grams.
Sharing a room in the maternity ward, Kristy said the dual arrival was unexpected given their due dates were not the same.
“My due date was May 15 and Jess was May 6 – they both needed to come out early for totally opposite reasons,” Kristy explained.
“My placenta was not doing the best job given I had intrauterine growth restriction and Jess was quite the opposite – she had a big baby with lots of fluid.”
Praising the staff at Mount Gambier Hospital, Kristy said she was concerned her baby’s movements were slowing.
“My baby was a little bit early, but healthy,” the new mother added.
Praising the hospital staff for placing them in the same room, she said it was great to share a room with her sibling.
“We have just been able to talk a lot, which is just great,” Kristy said.
While never dreaming their babies would arrive on the same day, the sisters revealed they were quietly hoping they would deliver in the same week so they could get pictures together in the maternity ward.
“We knew they would be so different in size, we thought it would be great for the babies to be able to see each other.”
Meanwhile, Jessica said she was delighted the babies arrived concurrently.
“It could not have worked out better – it is a great feeling to be able to share a room with my sister,” Jessica said.