ADELAIDE mural artist Mimby Jones Robinson departed Millicent on the weekend after transforming a1930s-era bank building with bold and colourful images of a water goddess, butterflies and much more.
For 13 consecutive days, Mimby was busy on a scissor lift with her aerosol spray paint cans and paint brushes for the work which was commissioned by the new Imagine Millicent Arts Group.
This group arranged an impromptu public farewell for Mimby on Saturday in the former banking chamber.
IMAG members and dozens of local residents took the opportunity to thank her for her efforts.
According to Mimby, the warmth of the welcome from Millicent people reminded her of her small home town of Two Wells on the Adelaide Plains.
She said the fine weather had assisted with her painting project which lasted up to 10 hours each day and evening.
Mimby said painting such a mural on a flat surface would have taken only three or four days.
“Everyone has been so kind, sweet and friendly,” Mimby said.
“Their remarks have been so positive.
“I have included a rainbow and so when people see it, they know they will have a good day, every day.”
The four second-hand clothing “op shops” in Millicent have been well patronised by Mimby with a pink dress and other items now added to her extensive wardrobe of outlandish clothes.
Meanwhile, the completed artwork has attracted plenty of comment from passersby and wide media coverage.
Building co-owner Colin Davies said he was delighted with the result.
Millicent Business Community Association secretary Marg Chapple is also pleased with the outcome.
“It is amazing and awesome and has brought the town to life,” Ms Chapple said.
“There has been great energy about Millicent for the past two weeks.
“The drive and passion of the IMAG members is commendable.”