A YEAR of intense study and sacrifice has paid dividends for Millicent High School students, with this year’s senior group receiving the best results ever recorded.
Students logged on to the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) website on Tuesday morning to see their results, with five Year 12 students receiving Australian Tertiary Admissions Ranking (ATAR) scores of more than 90.
Millicent’s Jasmine Stringer achieved an ATAR of 97.05, cementing her place as the school’s highest scorer this year.
Jasmine said she had hoped for a score of at least 95 to secure entry into Flinders University’s Bachelor of Engineering with robotics and electronics specialisation.
“I was hoping for something around the 90 mark and I was thinking bonus points would get me over the line,” she said.
“I did not think I would get as high as I did with my grades, but I think my subjects scaled up really well.
“I’m very, very happy, it’s completely made my week.”
The WS DeGaris Cup winner received A-grades for research project and mathematical methods and A-minus grades for physics, chemistry and English literacies.
Jasmine said she was reconsidering her first preference course following her surprise ATAR.
“I have been advised by my teacher to go back to the university and browse other courses too,” she said.
“I disregarded any courses above 98 because I did not think I’d get the marks.”
Recent graduate Tyler-Jay Wachtel will also reconsider her university preference after achieving an ATAR of 92.6.
The talented student received an A for research project, A-minus for biology and mathematics and B-plus grades for chemistry and physics.
“I did not think I was going to get that high, I was expecting an 80,” she said.
“I just wanted to get high enough to get into health and medical science.
“I was looking at medicine at the start of the year, but had not really considered it because of the ATAR.”
Tyler-Jay said while the academic requirements were challenging, it was essential to appropriately prioritise and manage her time.
“To be honest, I found Year 11 harder but I did study maths methods and specialised maths.
“Year 12 was hard, but I did not find the time constraints as challenging as Year 11.
“I have got a good group of friends who all motivated each other which was really helpful.”
Jessica Allan achieved an ATAR of 92.1, receiving an A-plus for information publishing and processing, an A for research project, A-minus for mathematics and physical education and a B-plus for English literacies.
The newest Adelaide Crows recruit is training with the women’s squad ahead of the leagues second campaign.
Following the end of the football season, Jessica will start her sport, health and physical education undergraduate degree at Flinders University.
Millicent High School’s Bank SA Award winner Monika Nieves achieved an ATAR of 91.8, receiving an A-minus across four subjects, biology, psychology, research project and mathematics.
Isabella Stratford received a score of 91.1 with an A-grade for research project, A-minus grades in biology and English literacies, B-plus for physical education and a B for chemistry.
“I did not expect the high score but I’m really thrilled to be able to get a score in the 90s range,” Isabella said.
“With bonus points, it will bring my ATAR to 99.
“It opens up the possibility of getting into high ATAR courses much easier.”