RUNNING over 100km in just three weeks, German Creek dog Sting has proven he is an influential part of the farm crew after taking part in this year’s Cobber Challenge.
Up against 11 other working dogs from across the country, the playful Border Collie was tracked over the course of three weeks, measuring distance, speed and duration.
Although the playful pup placed lower in the leader board, at 10th place he still managed to run a total of 152.3km over almost 34 hours with an average speed of 4.51kph.
However, owner Suzi Northcott said Sting did face some challenges over the three weeks which led to his lower placing and kilometres run.
“Sting got injured after the first week, which was unlucky,” she said.
Winning dog Flow cruised into the top position clocking up a total of 716km with an average speed of 8.52kph.
Tasmanian farmer and Flow’s best mate Brad McDonald said he was astounded with the results.
“It’s been a bit of an eye-opener – it was pretty crazy seeing her complete three back-to-back marathons,” he said.
“I didn’t come into the competition wanting to win, but the best bit has really been seeing Flow give 100pc every day – she’s a little dog with a big heart and she doesn’t want to let anyone down.”