Tough round anticipated for Demons

CHALLENGE: South Gambier will be under constant pressure when hosting West Gambier this Saturday, with the likes of defender Amy Cram in dangerous form. Picture: MELANIE RILEY


IT has been a tough 2024 for the Demons and it does not get any easier this weekend when they host ladder-leader West Gambier.

The Roos have no weaknesses and boast a settled line-up which continues to get the job done.

South Gambier on the other hand can still not quite find its mojo and chemistry, with 2023 on-court leader Alyssa Duncan being sorely missed in the frontline.

West’s shooting combination of Sarah Ritter and Lisa McGregor is the most prolific in the competition.

South’s Mykaela Thiele and Ellie Bouchier – who has been a standout for the Demons – will need to be tight checking and also rely on their mid court not allowing the Roos to stream down court unchallenged.

Tully McShane, Megan Reid, Sophie Wight and Teresa Humphris will need to be unrelenting in defensive mode to try and stop the run from Tara Bryant, Jess Holmes and Chelsea Tremelling, who are not only speedy but safe with ball in hand.

That same mid court will also need to be patient with ball in hand as it looks for a way through a Roos’ defensive line, led so brilliantly by Amy Cram.

Ash Widdison and Gracie Dalton, who was part of the Limestone Coast Football Netball League’s championship winning 17 and Under team at the weekend’s SA Country Netball Championships, will need to be strong and accurate, while using movement to unsettle Cram and Mykaela Horrigan.

There is just no way to mount a case for the Demons and the Roos will continue their winning ways.