Push for change begins

PUSH FOR CHANGE: A petition has begun callling for legislation changes following the trial for Synamin Bell's death. Picture: SUPPLED

Charlotte Varcoe

HEARTBROKEN friends and family of Millicent mother-of-three Synamin Bell have launched a petition to change legislation and prevent further tragedies.

It comes merely days after Millicent man Cody James Edwards, 27, pleaded guilty to manslaughter after a week-long trial for the original charge of murder of Ms Bell.

Ms Bell was found dead in her home in 2022 after police were called to the Poole Street home.

Mr Edwards’ charges were downgraded to manslaughter due to the little knowledge of the drug doi which he allegedly took the night Ms Bell was found dead in her home.

Following the trial outcome, close friend of Ms Bell Kimmi Leigh launched the online petition in order to change future outcomes.

“We believe it should not matter whether they are on drugs or not, they should take responsibility and cop all the repercussions,” Ms Leigh said.

“We lost a life, Synamin’s kids lost their mother and everyone’s hearts were broken and we think it should not have happened in the first place.”

Ms Leigh said she became good friends with Ms Bell after experiencing similar medical symptoms and issues.

“I want to see the legislation change for the future, for our next generation, for Synamin’s girls, for my daughter and for myself,” she said.

“We want to get this change as there are people willingly intoxicating themselves with drugs and they should be held accountable for that.”

Ms Leigh said she believed it should not matter whether perpetrators believed the drugs made them do it.

“It is a bit of a loophole that has led to this horrible outcome and we are hoping to reform these laws so anybody who willingly takes drugs – whether it is microdosing or anything – if it is going to end up losing somebody’s life they should be held accountable,” she said.

With the petition now gaining hundreds of signatures, Ms Leigh said they were over the moon with the traction already.

“We are still sharing it constantly with as many women’s groups, feminist groups and violence against women groups as we can,” Ms Leigh said.

“We have shared it with White Ribbon Australia which was a bracelet Synamin herself wore.”

She said the petition was about “getting the word out” and preventing future tragedies.

“The domestic violence in Australia is horrible,” she said.

“I do not know a single woman in my life who has not had some sort of abuse and that has got to change.

“People need to do better because it is horrible and I do not want the next generation to be like this.”

Ms Leigh said they had also made applications to the state and federal government to begin formal petitions for Parliament.